Other Services
The term “acupuncture” describes a family of procedures involving the stimulation of anatomical points on the body using a variety of techniques. The acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, sterile metallic needles that are manipulated by the hands or by electrical stimulation.
Practiced in China and other Asian countries for thousands of years, acupuncture is one of the key components of traditional Chinese medicine. However, acupuncture is now widely used in the treatment of many common sports and repetitive strain injuries. Along with pain, sprains and strains of the joints and surrounding tissues may cause a typical inflammatory response; which includes swelling of the injured area, redness or purple skin discoloration, and reduced range of motion of the joint. In addition to conventional R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) treatment, many athletes and sedentary people alike have found acupuncture treatment to be very helpful in suppressing inflammation and swelling quickly, as well as dealing with their pain.
Prolonged inflammation can cause scar tissue formation and may prevent regain of proper joint mobility. Acupuncture works well as an adjunct therapy to your chiropractic, massage and physiotherapy treatments. Click here to arrange for an appointment.
Personal Training/Nutritional Counseling
If you want to lose weight, get healthy and/or build muscle, hiring a personal trainer can be a step in the right direction. A good trainer can help you set up a program that meets your goals and teach you the best way to exercise. Finding and choosing a trainer can be a little confusing and, for some, intimidating. It’s not easy asking for help, but going in with more knowledge about how personal training works can make it a little easier.
As a Certified Exercise Physiologist through the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), Dr. Barnswell has extensive knowledge in the area of exercise sciences and nutritional counseling. With many years of experience training people from all walks of life, fitness levels, and with various goals, Dr. Barnswell can help you achieve your fitness goals. He has worked with professional athletes, structural firefighters, prospective police officers, fitness enthusiasts and novices alike. Please feel free to contact us to find out more about personal training and fitness related services.Nutritional Counseling
Click here to arrange for an appointment.
Motor Vehicle Accident Treatment
The Active Care Chiropractic Clinic’s multi-disciplinary MVA Treatment approach provides exceptional treatment for Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) injuries such as sprains, strains and whiplash injuries. In our fast paced world, treatment from the many complications of a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) has to be specific and patient based for great results. Our team of highly experienced and educated professionals treats any MVA injury.
Our treatments for such injuries; which include chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, and therapeutic modalities; have resulted in exceptional recovery times and many happy patients. To restore you to your pre-accident, 100% function, our team works collectively. This multi-disciplinary approach to healthcare gives you the advantage being treated with great quality care.
Years of MVA research has concluded that when it comes to your health, there are no insignificant accidents. Injuries may stay hidden for years only to surface without apparent cause, often when you don’t expect them to. Anyone involved in an accident should be assessed for soft tissue injuries even if the hospital indicates you’re fine. Minor injuries without proper treatment may pose a health and wellness risk in time. Proper injury assessment sets the stage for the correct and most thorough and complete treatment care plan. We make MVA examinations comfortable and easy and are covered by most insurance companies. Please come in for an appointment.
Click here to arrange for an appointment.
Custom Made Orthotics
An ‘orthotic’ is a device designed to restore your foot function. Many ‘biomechanical’ (walking) complaints such as heel pain, knee pain and lower back pain are caused by poor foot function. Orthotics re-align the foot and ankle bones to their neutral position, thereby restoring natural foot function. In turn this helps alleviate problems in other parts of the body. The orthotics are custom made to fit your feet and correct your personal biomechanical anomalies.
Orthotics and orthopedic shoes are covered by most extended health plans. If you’re very active, or have pains that may be related to the poor function of your feet and its impact on the rest of your body, please feel free to book an appointment to see if orthotics could help your concerns. Please note that “Brand Name” Shoes are available with Orthotics.
Click here to arrange for an appointment.
Injured at work? We can help. Whether your injuries occurred through repetitive overuse or acute trauma, the treatments you receive at the Active Care Chiropractic Clinic can get you back in working order. We can help you deal with the administrative requirements involved as well. Please come in for an appointment.
Click here to arrange for an appointment.
Compression Stockings
Medical gradient compression stocking improve venous and lymphatic blood flow. THERAFIRM stockings are designed to deliver a controlled amount of pressure which is greatest at the ankle of the garment and gradually decreases towards the top of the stocking. This gradient pressure promotes better venous blood flow which in turn helps to control swelling, varicosities, leg fatigue and other problematic leg conditions.
Who should wear gradient compression hosiery?
People who have or are experiencing any of the following conditions can benefit from wearing gradient compression hosiery:
• Tired, aching, fatigued legs
• Swollen feet, ankles, and legs
• People who stand or sit for long periods
• Chronic venous insufficiency
• Moderate to sever varicose veins
• Expectant mothers
• Schlerotherapy
• Lymphedema
• Overweight
• Family history of venous leg disorders
Many individuals without the preceding conditions simply appreciate wearing gradient compression hosiery. Make an appointment to see if therapeutic gradient compression stockings are for you.
Click here to arrange for an appointment.