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Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect on my first visit?

To gain a complete picture of your overall health, regardless of the focus of the treatment, your chiropractor may ask you a series of detailed questions, something called a history. These include, but are not limited to:
•Personal and family medical history
•Major past illnesses
•Current/Past medications
•Your lifestyle (i.e. smoker?/exercise…)
•Your occupation and leisure
•Sleeping Habits
•Much more depending on the circumstances

How do I get started?

Once a course of care is determined, and the matter of informed consent has been discussed, treatment usually begins. Because of my concern for your overall well-being, many treatments may be accompanied by exercise, diet, and other healthy living suggestions to help keep you healthy and strong.

What is an adjustment?

Chiropractic spinal manipulation (A.K.A.an adjustment) is a drug-free, non-invasive manual procedure whichutilizes the highly-refined skills developed during four intensiveyears of chiropractic education.
•Spinal manipulation, as practiced by trained chiropractors, is a highly controlled procedure, which rarely causes discomfort
•A chiropractor will modify any procedure to meet the specific needs of each patient
•Patients often note positive changes in their symptoms immediately following treatment

The main goal of the adjustment is: to treat areas of decreased movement in the joints of the body. This can include the spine and any other joint in the body. Poorly moving joints can create a reaction in surrounding tissues, such as ligaments, muscles and nerves, which may result in pain, dysfunction and muscular spasm.
•A large majority of patients who seek chiropractic care do so for complaints of the musculoskeletal system, most often for conditions affecting the spine (i.e. low back pain)
•Chiropractors are also highly trained in the recognition of other diseases/disorders that may fall out of their scope of practice. In this way, they diagnose and refer to another more suitable professional

What can a Chiropractor treat?

•Low back pain (i.e. mechanical, sciatica, disc problems, osteoarthritis (OA), etc…)
•Neck Pain
•Shoulder pain (i.e. rotator cuff strain)
•Elbow pain (i.e. tennis or golfers elbow, bursitis, nerve entrapment problems)
•Wrist pain (i.e. carpal tunnel syndrome, DeQuervain’s tenosynovitis)
•Foot/ankle/knee pain
•Sport injuries
•Work related injuries
•Hip pain
•Repetitive strain injuries
•Injuries due to poor body mechanics
•Many more…

Are these services covered by insurance?

Most of the services we offer arecovered by the extended health care plan thatyou may have through your work benefits. Check your individualplan for details, as all plans tend to be different. If you haveany questions related to how yourcoverage may be able to help you, please feel free to contact us.

    • Example FAQ 1

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed elementum elit. Fusce eu ipsum nec ligula vehicula fringilla in nec nisl. Sed non ornare elit. Mauris ut leo ipsum. Aenean odio lacus, gravida vitae elementum ac, interdum vel nulla. Maecenas in urna a arcu hendrerit consectetur.
    • Example FAQ 9

      Sed accumsan tortor felis, ac vulputate odio vehicula a. Cras cursus aliquam tellus sit amet laoreet. Vestibulum eget consequat nunc.
    • Example FAQ 8

      Sed et nunc bibendum, suscipit lacus vitae, feugiat sapien. Donec vel suscipit velit. Praesent non lorem orci. Sed venenatis et dolor ultrices ullamcorper. Nam vitae luctus massa. Maecenas commodo rhoncus tellus, eget malesuada nisi faucibus et.
    • Example FAQ 7

      Aenean ac quam pulvinar, eleifend lacus quis, volutpat augue. Ut auctor, urna interdum vestibulum condimentum, arcu eros porta metus, vel aliquam erat augue vitae velit. Ut quis arcu commodo, viverra erat quis, aliquam ante. Nullam tincidunt justo vitae justo semper luctus.
    • Example FAQ 6

      Fusce tempor ligula in nulla convallis, ut interdum tellus consequat. Proin cursus enim at neque placerat, at molestie tellus auctor. Nam aliquam tortor a quam pulvinar fermentum.
    • Example FAQ 5

      Cras pulvinar orci quis purus dapibus iaculis. Phasellus rutrum erat nisl, a venenatis nunc gravida luctus. Duis ac dolor vel velit pellentesque consectetur non egestas sem. Nulla placerat euismod leo a venenatis. Curabitur imperdiet est ut elit pulvinar, eget scelerisque diam vehicula.
    • Example FAQ 4

      Ut porta porta sapien, in rutrum lectus viverra et. Donec a purus nec ligula mattis accumsan eget eget purus. Cras euismod sapien ut lectus bibendum, ut accumsan elit interdum. Nam eget erat nulla. Nullam viverra libero at molestie eleifend. Nullam a mauris sit amet augue bibendum egestas.
    • Example FAQ 3

      Duis quis ipsum vitae dolor ornare faucibus et at magna.
    • Example FAQ 2

      Ut non elementum lectus. Mauris quis ipsum ac nibh tempor consectetur. Morbi eu massa in purus cursus tempus sit amet sed felis. Praesent iaculis nunc leo, nec dignissim metus luctus vitae. Donec venenatis justo at orci sodales semper. Vestibulum vitae accumsan nunc.
    • Example FAQ 10

      Nunc lacus massa, porta at tempus sit amet, tincidunt a nunc. Mauris suscipit purus eu sem sagittis, et iaculis erat sollicitudin.